Should you be making quicker, more profitable fixture decisions using data and analysis over gut feeling and instinct?
Request a personalised demo to see how you can leverage the 38.2m digitised port events in PortLog to identify fixture risks and improve the accuracy of your voyage estimates.
“Having a tool that provides insightful data on each of your port calls will enable you to see risk where it is.”
Mikael Schultz, Head of BI & Business Transformation at Lauritzen Bulkers, joins PortLog’s SVP of Product, Kim Ahler, to summarise the benefits of PortLog Pro for chartering teams.
Competing for the best business under time pressure?
Make quicker, more profitable fixture decisions using real data over gut instinct with PortLog, the world’s largest port data platform.
Book your demo now and see why customers trust PortLog to help them to reduce risk and maximise opportunities.